Three Four Tet albums removed from streaming services amid royalty dispute

Four Tet‘s Kieran Hebden and his former label, Domino Records, have been engaged in a legal dispute this year over streaming royalties for three of his albums: 2001’s Pause, 2003’s Rounds and 2005’s Everything Ecstatic. Those albums have since been pulled from streaming services, as Heben explained in a long Twitter thread this weekend.
“I’m so upset to see that @Dominorecordco have removed the 3 albums of mine they own from digital and streaming services,” he said via Twitter. “This is heartbreaking to me. People are reaching out asking why they can’t stream the music and I’m sad to have to say that it’s out of my control.”
He continues: “Earlier this week Domino’s legal representative said they would remove my music from all digital services in order to stop the case progressing. I did not agree to them taking this action and I’m truly shocked that it has come to this.”
Read the full thread here.