Mabe Fratti announces new album, Sentir que no sabes
Mabe Fratti has announced a new album. Following the release of last year’s Vidrio with her Titanic project, made in collaboration with i la Católica (Hector Tosta), she’s announced Sentir que no sabes. It’s out on June 28 via Tin Angel/Unheard Of Hope. She’s released two new songs, “Kravitz” and “Pantalla Azul,” which you can hear below.
Fratti said of the former, “It’s a song about the sensation of not knowing where the opinions come from and the chicken or egg question: do they come from outside? Do they come from inside? Also, who wants to listen to these opinions? Who actually listens to them?”
Of the latter, she added, “This one was born out of me getting a Whammy and playing around with it. I came up with the riff and a melody that was inspired by ‘autotuned’ effects. Héctor pushed the track forward by creating the quantic jump towards the polyrhythmic section that transforms the song. The lyrics make a reference to the ‘stop’ blue on the screen on VHS or the blue screen of a PC when it breaks. Also to an appreciation to what’s unknown and mysterious, and being at peace with the shadow and the complexity of things.”
Titanic’s Vidrio is on our list of the 50 Best Albums of 2023.
Mabe Fratti Sentir que no sabes tracklist:
1. Kravitz
2. Pantalla azul
3. Elastica II
4. Oidos
5. Quieras o no
6. Enfrente
7. Elastica
8. Márgen del indice
9. Alarmas olvidadas
10. Descubrimos un suspiro
11. Intento fallido
12. Kitana
13. Angel nuevo