Reverend Horton Heat : Revival
It’s doubtful that a more perfect album exists to kick off this year’s sweltering summer than the Reverend Horton Heat’s newest album, Revival. It is the epitome of what summer should be all about — upbeat, feelgood songs that put you in a rockin’ mood. The best time to hear Revival is when you’re driving to the beach or hanging out with friends, grilling up frankfurters. Revival‘s songs are about calling in sick to work to go play outside, partying and what the Rev is known to sing about — hanging out with girls.
While this album really doesn’t differ that much from all the other albums that the Reverend has recorded, if you’re a fan, you won’t be disappointed. The best thing about having the Reverend Horton Heat put out another album, though, is that they will soon be out on tour.
If you’ve never had the privilege, nor the pleasure, of seeing them live, you’ve missed out. Visions of full-sleeved tattoo chicks and cats, girls dressed in hip 50’s dresses, and boys with slicked back pompadour hairstyles, dancing to their heart’s content. But the biggest enjoyment is seeing rockabilly veterans like bassist Jimbo Wallace rock out like no other. Upright basses being plucked and drums and cymbals being smashed to death make the experience of seeing the Rev. unlike your average rock show.
Revival is worth purchasing and familiarizing yourself with, because the Reverend always plays tons of new material at his shows. You want to be able to know new stuff he and his band are playing, and not just hope that they will play old songs that you know, like the marijuana song.
Revival might not change the world or make a great impact on your life as a whole. But it seems like Jimbo and co. are okay with this and want you to enjoy life and have fun. A summer full of great guitar-wailing psychobilly like Revival is a summer worth living for.
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