Tim Burgess retires Tim’s Twitter Listening Party
Tim’s Twitter Listening Party is coming to an end. Back at the beginning of the Covid-19 pandemic in spring of 2020, Tim Burgess, frontman of The Charlatans, launched an ongoing Twitter party in which friends, fans and artists could all participate in a remote but communal listening party for celebrated albums. After adapting it into a podcast and radio show earlier this year, Burgess announced that the Twitter series was coming to an end.
In a tweet, he said, “From Some Friendly to Wham! The Singles. 1,366 albums that we heard together, over 1,213 days from March 23rd 2020. The Twitter @LlSTENlNG_PARTY was a beautiful thing. Thanks to everyone who joined us x x.”
He also noted that more than 1,000 listening parties are now archived on the website to revisit anytime you like. Find those here.