Child Seat share new video for fiery anthem “If This Is the End”

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Child Seat If This is the End

On August 5, Los Angeles alt-rock duo Child Seat release their new album Bad Holiday via Moonboot! Records. And today, Madeleine Mathews (MAWD) and Josiah Mazzaschi (Light FM, Bizou) share their new video for “If This Is the End,” a black-and-white clip shot by Ben Thomas featuring a mixture of dark, intimate shots in a single-lightbulb-lit room and other moody imagery. Meanwhile, the song itself is a ripper, a big rock ‘n’ roll anthem with heavy riffs and a blend of defiance and immediacy reminiscent of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs at their hardest driving.

Child Seat’s Madeline Matthews says in a statement: “If This is the End” touches on the negative effects the Pandemic began to have on love and relationships. Day-to-day life became a bit too redundant and conversations sometimes became stale and repetitive – only talking about the weather forecast for the day instead of interesting or exciting things ahead.

This soon turned into a toxic pattern of romanticizing a life before the Pandemic, when everything felt a bit more exciting and a new type of nostalgia for pre-2020 started to set in. It also can make you put past memories on a pedestal instead of being content in the present. 

It often felt difficult to feel excited about anything anymore – fearing that if this path was to continue – it could ruin a relationship. The idea of starting over again seems unfathomable.

Watch the video below and presave the single here.

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