Premiere: Heartthrob Chassis buzz their way into a noisy freakout on “Sister”

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Heartthrob Chassis Sister premiere

On Friday, Heartthrob Chassis—fronted by Margaret Doll Rod of the cult garage rock outfit Demolition Doll Rods—will release new album Arrhythmia via Milan Records. The album is part of the Nicolas Winding Refn Presents series curated by the famed director, which has also seen the release of reissued soundtracks such as Robocop and The Terminator. Today, Treble premieres a new track from Heartthrob Chassis, titled “Sister.” It’s a droning, buzzing, noisy dirge of a song, with layers of guitars and a psychedelic freakout that begins to spiral out into a kind of hallucinogenic chaos. It’s a cool song, but an intense and noisy one.

Refn is apparently a longtime fan of Margaret’s music with the Demolition Doll Rods and is planning to include a 3D film segment of the band performing some of the new material on his website. Listen to Heartthrob Chassis’ “Sister” stream below.

Heartthrob Chassis Arrythmia tracklist:

A1. Check You Out
A2. Good Times Callin’
A3. Laugh
A4. When I’m With You
A5. Now Now
A6. Oh Wah Oh Wah
A7. Bicycle
B1. Sister
B2. Red Bird Blue Bird
B3. Ride
B4. Play With Me

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