Wolf Eyes announce new album, Dreams in Splattered Lines

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Wolf Eyes

Prolific noise outfit Wolf Eyes return this year with a new album. On May 26, the group will release Dreams in Splattered Lines via Warp-affiliated imprint Disciples, which marks their 25th anniversary as a band. Today they’ve shared “Splinters of Shattered Time,” a three-song sampler of tracks from the record. Hear it below.

Wolf Eyes’ Nate Young said in a statement, “This record was recorded after we finished the New York Public Library residency in early 2022. We had spent a lot of time in NYC during the residency but because of Covid we had limited access to the Library archives. We would spend 4-5 hours at the library and then go to museums. The MET’s ‘Surrealism Beyond Borders’ exhibit was a huge influence on this record. Learning about the Chicago Surrealists’ spoken-word poetry performed with musicians was inspiring and affirmative: ‘While Surrealism could generate often poetic and even humorous works, it was also taken up as a far more serious weapon in the struggle for political, social, and personal freedom, and by many more artists around the world’
“We started by continuing to explore the ideas of short dense sound collages that had similar behaviors to ‘hit singles’. Using a lot of ideas that we established on the ‘Difficult Messages’ series, we started to look at hit songs like terrariums: folding the idea of music and sound happening inside sound environments we created in the studio. The record starts with a Car Wash that includes a Short Hands track playing on the car radio while waves of white noise and contact microphones are plunging into water buckets. The track is then played in a car while going through an actual car wash and finally layered and mixed in the studio.

Wolf Eyes new album Dreams in Splattered Lines

Wolf Eyes Dreams in Splattered Lines tracklist:

1 | Car Wash Two w/ Short Hands
2 | Radio Box (excerpt)
3 | Plus Warning
4 | Engaged Withdrawal
5 | Exploding Time
6 | My Whole Life
7 | The Museums We Carry
8 | Pointerstare
9 | Comforts of The Mind
10 | In Society
11 | Find You (Vocal)
12 | Days Decay
13 | Dreams in Shattered Time

Wolf Eyes tour dates:

05 May, Ziggy’s, Ypsilanti MI, USA – 25th anniversary show
20 May, Ziggy’s, Ypsilanti MI, USA – 25th anniversary show
(w/ Aaron Dilloway)
25 May, Ziggy’s, Ypsilanti MI, USA – 25th anniversary show
(w/ Model Home)
26 May, Bug Jar, Rochester NY, USA
27 May, 24hr Dronefest, Hudson Basilica NY, USA (w/ Laraaji, Raven Chacon and many more)
28 May, The Mohawk, Buffalo NY, USA
04 Oct, Zebulon, Los Angeles CA, USA (w/ Anthony Braxton)


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