Album Reviews
PA fivesome’s fifth album doesn’t disappoint.
The first new release on deSoto in a long time. Hooray!
Laptopping is deck.
This one’s a man-eater.
Songs about sleazy girls sung by sleazier guys.
This ain’t no foolin’ around.
This ain’t no party.
This ain’t no disco.
Get your dance on.
Queen Beaktapus? If you say so.
Or is it?
For relaxing times, make it Vetiver time.
A darker set of textures and moods on the Welsh noise rock group’s third album
Everyone Knows this is nowhere.
Fourth quirky album for bluesy Brits.
Former comedienne makes breathtaking third album.
Bollocks to “shambolic.”
His name is Prince and…U know the rest.
Seattle post-punks are already on their way to greatness.
Welcome back to your happy place.