The Best Tracks of the ’00s – No. 5

The decade has almost come to an end. And of course, you know what that means-lists, `best ofs’ and all kinds of general retrospective features and columns. Treble is no exception, hard at work on figuring out the best albums and singles of the past nine years. Yet, before we get into albums and singles, we’re taking a look at the best non-single tracks to emerge since the Y2K scare proved to be a non-event. Every week we’ll be highlighting a handful of our favorite tracks of the decade, so keep checking back to hear about what songs remained on repeat on our iPods, CD players, tape decks and turntables since Jan. 1, 2000.
Blur – “Sweet Song”
From Think Tank
Despite the domestically hyped internal tensions, 2003’s Think Tank is a fantastic record, an eclectic triumph of electronic subtlety. On “Sweet Song,” Blur scale Brian Wilson level obstacles to emotive intimacy. Albarn’s lyrics and vocals are resolutely heart on sleeve as he wanders through darkened “streets all pop music and gold.” The arrangement is a lovely picnic quilt of gospel ambience and Trans Am piano ballad. I’m sure I can hear aliens landing from over the hill faintly in the background. William Orbit was involved, after all. “Sweet Song” is well-worded obviousness cocooned in buzzing warmth. It’s a steadying antidote for anyone feeling out to sea, and a strong reminder that there are times when it’s better to take things at face. – Thomas Lee