Kairon; IRSE!

albums like OK Computer

10 Albums to Hear If You Like Radiohead’s ‘OK Computer’

As the iconic art rock album turns 25, we offer some deeper digs to listen to next.

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A History of Shoegaze in 45 Essential Songs

Tracing the roots of a genre with a peculiar name and an immaculate sound

best albums of September 2020 Deftones

The Best Albums of September 2020

There’s a lot happening right now. There’s an election just a little over a month…

25 great rock songs with saxophone from the past decade

25 Great Rock Songs with saxophone from the past decade

An overview of some of the best songs of the past 10 years powered by woodwind.

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Kairon; IRSE! – Polysomn

The Finnish band deliver a thrilling, unabashedly weird set of psychedelic rock.

The Most Anticipated Albums of Fall 2020

The 25 albums at the top of our listening list this fall.