Sub Pop Singles Club to return in 2019

The Sub Pop Singles Club is returning. Originally launched in the late ’80s, the subscription service included artists such as Nirvana, Mudhoney and Sonic Youth on 7-inch singles that were mailed every month to those who signed up. The first Singles Club ended in 1993, but two more phases took place from 1998-2002 and 2008-2009, respectively, with bands such as The Jesus and Mary Chain, Death Cab for Cutie, Iron & Wine and more releasing exclusive tracks via limited edition singles.
The new phase of the club begins shipping in April 2019 and costs $130. So far, no artists have been announced, but Sub Pop’s track record is such that it’s a safe bet there will be some great bands involved. Sign up here.
A statement from Sub Pop reads: “Are you desperate to hear new and exciting music? Do you pine for exquisitely packaged, colored-vinyl artifacts? Do you break into a sweat at the thought of missing out on limited-edition tchotchkes to hold over your friends’ heads? Well, subscribe now and feed your need!”
Read our recent feature: Sub Pop Records: 30 Years, 30 Tracks.