Philip Glass


Jlin announces new album, Akoma

New album features Björk, Kronos Quartet, Philip Glass

best movie soundtracks of the '80s

10 Essential ’80s Movie Soundtracks

The greatest moments in cinematic music from a decade that changed the game

best remix albums James Murphy

10 Essential Remix Albums

A 10-item sampling of the best compilations of chop-ups.

Arca horror movie soundtrack wishlist

Treble Roundtable: Horror Soundtrack Wishlist

A fantasy horror-soundtrack wishlist of artists we know would give us serious nightmares.

Animal Collective 2017 tour

10 Essential Baltimore Albums

10 of the best albums recorded in Charm City, or by Balmer artists, as they say.

Treble's Top 40 Film Scores

Treble’s 40 favorite Film Scores

The greatest cinematic instrumentals ever.

Hold On to Your Genre: Minimalism

Learning that less is more with Riley, Reich, Glass, Pärt and Basinski.