Reintroducing Treble’s Hall of Fame

Over the past year and a half, we at Treble put a lot of our time and energy into our Treble 100 series, a list of albums we voted on as our absolute favorites of all time, limited to one per artist, measured entirely by our own internal, deeply personal preferences. During that time, barring a handful of exceptions, we put out Hall of Fame series of anniversary album essays on hold, simply because we were already writing lots and lots of words on great albums.
Well, we wrapped up that project recently, and now we’re bringing Hall of Fame back. But it’s a little bit different. Looking over the list of albums that didn’t make Treble 100, it occurred to us that there’s so much music about which we’ve barely scratched the surface, and trying to do so in conjunction with a 10th or 20th anniversary doesn’t always align as neatly as you hope. So we’re doing away with that aspect of it altogether. Going forward, we’re rolling out a revamped Hall of Fame as a weekly feature: One album a week, chosen for no reason other than that it’s a great, interesting or significant album that merits an extended reflection. Think of it like a weekly record club, where the only restriction is that the album isn’t new.
We kick off the new HoF with PJ Harvey’s Is This Desire?, a classic album that real heads know but somehow tends to get overlooked in larger, canonical conversations. We’re excited to get back to digging through the archives, and we hope you enjoy taking the journey with us.