New Prince EP pulled from iTunes, Apple Music after lawsuit

This week a new Prince EP of previously unreleased material was slated for release, but for the time being that music will not be released. Prince’s estate and Paisley Park sued the engineer behind the release of that EP, George Ian Boxill, and RMA (Rogue Music Alliance) over the unauthorized sale and distribution of the music. TMZ now reports that a judge has blocked the sale of the new EP, and it’s since disappeared from iTunes, Apple Music, Google Play and Amazon. Boxill has also been ordered to turn the recordings over to the estate. The website for the EP,, appears to also have been taken down. As of right now, there’s no indication that the EP will be released in any form.
In the lawsuit, Boxill had reportedly signed an agreement that stated all music they worked on “would remain Prince’s sole and exclusive property.” Deliverance was scheduled to be released on Friday.
Read our feature, Fear of Sex and Gett-ing Off to Prince.