Fifteen Quiet Years out in June.
98 minutes of synth chaos.
New funk jams.
It’s April 1, a day that always sneaks up on you and completely throws you…
Cruise Your Illusion out tomorrow.
To the Happy Few out in August.
New Order, Kendrick Lamar and Queens of the Stone Age also on the lineup.
Roller rink jam session.
Wakin On a Pretty Daze now up at NPR.
Full album on Soundcloud.
Hip-hop and higher learning.
Actual Minotaur included.
A funky new Mosquito jam.
Tasteful nudity and snakes.
No One Dances Quite Like My Brothers out in May.
Reaching the far corners of North America.
Handful of East Coast shows, plus Pitchfork fest.
Band cites “creative health” reasons.
Out in May… maybe.