The truth can be harsh.
It’s time for the airing of grievances about bands we just can’t stand, no matter how beloved they are.
A selection of the year’s greatest fiascoes and failures.
“Beverly Hills” is not where I want to be.
The album that got Geffen to sue Neil Young.
A very special World Cup History’s Greatest Monsters.
Your favorite DJ savior stops giving a shit.
A legendary punk band goes prog.
You might as well be walkin’ on the sun.
A dissection of one of U2’s least well-received albums, if one of their boldest statements.
A difficult album that’s nearly impossible to judge as a pop record.
The 10 worst albums of the year, voted on by Treble’s most masochistic staffers.
The painful disaster that started this masochistic series.
The damage that the ’80s can do to a band.
Evaluating the potentially worst of the worst.
Bob Dylan trolls his fans… or does he?
Sonic Youth breaks their winning streak.
Axl Rose, $13 million, and hubris!
R.E.M.’s lackluster 2004 album gets reexamined.
Our inaugural monster bash begins with an infamous noise.
A new column to celebrate music at its worst.