Treble Album of the Week Mix 2006, Vol. 3

Seventeen more of our new favorite tunes, from seventeen of our new favorite records!

#1 Summer Jams!

Best Song Ever: #1 Summer Jams

Hot songs for a hot season, Treble style.


Interview : Voxtrot

Indie rockers talk success and career goals after a series of great EPs.


Postcards From Beirut: The Treble interview

Treble’s interview with Beirut’s Zach Condon, and then some.

The Paper Chase

An examination of songs in advertising.

Gilmore Youth

A very special “Finer things in life.”

Nicely Done.

Catching up with the Spinto Band.

Truly Great: McLusky

With the release of McLuskyism, we offer our tribute to the short-lived awesomeness of the Welsh trio.

American Idyll

The guiltiest of pleasures.

A Brief History of Amazing Letdowns

The Brief History of Amazing Letdowns: A guide to out-of-print music

The frustrating and expensive ongoing saga of the out of print album.

Treble Album of the Week Mix 2006, Vol. I

Nineteen tracks to usher in the springtime, taken from our favorite discs of the year, so far.


Interview : Akron/Family

Akron/Family: The Treble Interview.

The Elected

Hotel California Dreamin’: An interview with The Elected

An epic interview with Blake Sennett of the Elected.

49 (+1) Love Songs

Best Song Ever: 49(+1) Love Songs

Doing our best to follow in Merritt’s footsteps, we humbly offer fifty songs of love, loss and lust this Valentine’s Day.

The Once Over, Twice

The Double, in their second incarnation, doubles in size; they discuss it with us.

Winter Singles Spectacular

Singles and EPs for a new year.

The Sun Always Shines on TV

Just chattin’ with Columbus’ The Sun.

The Third Annual Trebblie Awards!

The most extravagant awards ceremony ever to hit a humble webzine!

Top 40 albums of 2005

Top 40 Albums of 2005

Treble does the year end thing: we voted on our favorite albums of the year and wrote about them. It’s that simple!